
[August 1, 2024] 8 New POST Endpoints for Bulk Data Analysis and Optimized Event History


v0.14.0 brings huge upgrades to developer experience based on our power user feedback.

What you need to know:

💪 Added new 8 POST endpoints (🤯) to pull market data for up to 1000 locations in one request, significantly improving data retrieval efficiency across both Market Metrics and For Sale Market Metrics categories.
🔎 Enhanced our property event tracking, providing cleaner and more accurate data on sales, listings, and rentals.

New POST Endpoints for Market Data Pulls at Scale

The Market Metrics category introduces five new POST endpoints:

  • All Cash (/v1/market_metrics/all_cash): Gets monthly counts of all cash transactions and their percentage share of total sales, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • Housing Event Counts (/v1/market_metrics/housing_event_counts): Gets monthly counts of housing events, including sales, new for sale listings, and new rental listings, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • Housing Event Prices (/v1/market_metrics/housing_event_prices): Gets monthly statistics on prices for housing events, including sales, new for sale listings, and new rental listings, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • Housing Event Property Attributes (/v1/market_metrics/housing_event_property_attributes): Gets monthly statistics on the physical attributes of properties involved in housing events, including sales, new for sale listings, and new rental listings, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • Housing Stock (/v1/market_metrics/housing_stock): Gets housing stock for specified parcl_ids. Housing stock represents the total number of properties, broken out by single family homes, townhouses, and condos.

The For Sale Market Metrics category adds three new POST endpoints:

  • For Sale Inventory: Gets the weekly updated current count of total inventory listed on market for sale, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • For Sale Inventory Price Changes: Gets weekly updated metrics on the price behavior of current for sale inventory, based on specified parcl_ids.
  • New Listings Rolling Counts: Gets weekly updated rolling counts of newly listed for sale properties, segmented into 7, 30, 60, and 90 day periods ending on a specified date, based on given parcl_ids.

These POST endpoints allow for data retrieval across up to 1000 parcl_ids in a single request, enabling efficient bulk data collection for multiple markets simultaneously.

Major Upgrades to Property Events

We've also made significant improvements to our property events data:

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Implemented advanced algorithms to remove 99% of noise from property event histories, providing a cleaner and more reliable dataset.
  • Comprehensive Event Tracking: Improved event classification to ensure accurate categorization of sales, listings, and rental events across all property types.
  • Refined Property Attributes: Upgraded the tracking of key property characteristics, including new construction status and owner occupancy, for more precise market analysis.

These upgrades deliver a true, clean perspective of event history across homes, empowering users with more accurate and comprehensive property data