
[July 2, 2024] Property Data API Beta


Property Market Search (GET)

Property Market Search: Gets a list of unique identifiers (parcl_property_id) for units that correspond to specific markets or parameters defined by the user. The parcl_property_id is key to navigating the Parcl Labs API, serving as the core mechanism for retrieving unit-level information.

The beta version of this endpoint is limited to zip code level searches. The full version of this endpoint will enable:

  1. Market searches at any level of granularity
  2. Full integration of our parcl_id system

Property Event History (POST)

Property Event History: Gets unit-level properties and their housing event history, including sales, listings, and rentals. The response includes detailed property information and historical event data for each specified property. A maximum of 1000 parcl_property_ids can be requested in a single POST request.