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Property Events Endpoint Broken?

Using the Python Client, I get:

Migration article - Demand in Florida



Able to add multiple users on starter plan?

If I were to have a paid account, either a starter or enterprise account, am I able to add other users onto my account or is it only single user access per account?


Parcl Credit to API Request

How is the credit cost calculated? Example: if I make a single request for the past 365 days worth of price feed data for a specific price_feed location, does that count as 1 credit or 365 credits?


Get Parcl Property Id by Address?

The /v1/property/search_markets endpoint doesn't have a way to find a parcl property ID given an address. Is there another way to get this?


Error in Google Collab

I'm getting an error retrieving parcl_ids in Google Collab


Price Feed API Update Time Inquiry

The update frequency of the ‘Price Feed’ API is said to be once a day, but exactly what time is it updated?


"Data not found" Error For Portfolio Listings Endpoint

I queried the "Sf New Listings For Sale Rolling Counts" endpoint but received a "detail": "Data not found" error even though I put in a valid Parcl ID and it is in the date range of the endpoint. Why is it giving me this error?


FAQ: How do I sort by endpoint values?

I've noticed I can sort the search endpoint by certain values (i.e. Total population and median income), however I can't sort any other endpoints by the values they return. For example, how would I find the metros in the US with the highest home prices?