Usage Limits and Pricing

Pricing Plans and Usage Limits

Parcl Labs currently offers two self-service API tiers:

FeatureFree TierStarter Tier
Base Credits (30 Day Cycle)20020,000
Endpoints and Fields✅ Market Metrics
✅ For Sale Metrics
✅ Rental Metrics
✅ Investor Metrics
✅ Portfolio Metrics
✅ New Construction Metrics
✅ Price Feed
❌ POST Endpoints
❌ Property (Unit Level)
✅ Market Metrics
✅ For Sale Metrics
✅ Rental Metrics
✅ Investor Metrics
✅ Portfolio Metrics
✅ New Construction Metrics
✅ Price Feed
✅ POST Endpoints
✅ Property (Unit Level)
Base Rate (30 Day Cycle)Free$99

Self Service Monthly Plan Cycles, Upgrades, or Downgrades

Our current self-service plans operate on a 30 day cycle that begins when you initially sign up (for the free tier) or upgrade (for the Starter Tier plan).

Self-service credits reset on a 30 day cycle basis. You can cancel your Starter plan at any time; you will then have the remainder of the billing cycle to use your credits before your account is downgraded to the free plan, which includes a monthly allotment of 200 credits.

Enterprise Plans

If you are interested in our enterprise plans, which offer custom credit allowances, please reach out to [email protected]

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